The Scope Resolution Operator(::)the double colon, is a token that allows access to static, constant, and overridden properties or methods of a class.
class A {
public static $B = '1'; # Static class variable.
const B = '2'; # Class constant.
public static function B() { # Static class function.
return '3';
echo A::$B . A::B . A::B(); # Outputs: 123
A class constant, class property (static), class function (static)
can all share the same name and be accessed using the double-colon
class B{
public static $par = "par";
class A extends B{
const B = "constant";
public static $sel = "self";
public static $b = "static property";
public static function b(){
echo "static function";
public static function c(){
return parent::$par;
public static function d(){
return self::$sel;
public static function e(){
return self::$par;
echo A::B.PHP_EOL;
echo A::$b.PHP_EOL;
echo A::b().PHP_EOL;
echo A::c().PHP_EOL;
echo A::d().PHP_EOL;
That's (generally) for accessing a static method or property in a class. It's called the scope resolution operator, or Paamayim Nekudotayim (which leads to some amazingly confusing error messages!). See
The "::class" syntax is useful within a namespace to obtain the fully qualified name of a class from its unqualified or qualified form, or from an alias of its name.
The "::class" syntax seems to work to resolve interface names as well as class names, although that does not appear to be documented by the sources linked above.
Within a class, the syntax also works with "self::class", as mentioned by the "::class" RFC linked above.
A few examples:
namespace MyNamespace;
use MyNamespace\YourInterface as HerInterface;
use MyNamespace\YourClass as HerClass;
use MyNamespace\TheirClass as OurClass;
interface MyInterface { }
interface YourInterface { }
class MyClass { }
class YourClass { }
class TheirClass
public function fullName()
echo self::class;
$ourClassInstance = new OurClass;
echo MyClass::class, PHP_EOL;
// outputs: MyNamespace\MyClass
echo HerClass::class, PHP_EOL;
// outputs: MyNamespace\YourClass
echo MyInterface::class, PHP_EOL;
// outputs: MyNamespace\MyInterface
echo HerInterface::class, PHP_EOL;
// outputs: MyNamespace\YourInterface
echo $ourClassInstance->fullName(), PHP_EOL;
// outputs: MyNamespace\TheirClass
To invoke "__callStatic" with an undeclared method name
Two colons can be used to "call" a static method name that a class has not declared. E.g., "ClassName::arbitraryMethodName()". Doing so invokes the class's "__callStatic" method, if the class has declared one. It also passes to __callStatic the name of the undeclared method and any arguments passed to the undeclared method. The __callStatic method then may "dynamically" choose how to handle the call. PHP refers to this as "overloading" with the __callStatic "magic method".
namespace OurCompany\Orders;
class Intake
public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments)
$item = substr($name, 5); // trims "order" prefix
$specialistClass = "\OurCompany\Specialists\\" . $item;
if (class_exists($specialistClass)) {
$specialist = new $specialistClass;
return $specialist->handleOrder($arguments);
return "I'm sorry, we can't help you with " .
lcfirst($item) . ".";
namespace OurCompany\Specialists;
class Car
public function handleOrder($arguments)
return "May I help you with a $arguments[0] car?";
class Truck
public function handleOrder($arguments)
return "May I help you with a $arguments[0] truck?";
use OurCompany\Orders\Intake;
echo Intake::orderCar("red"), PHP_EOL;
// outputs: May I help you with a red car?
echo Intake::orderTruck("pickup"), PHP_EOL;
// outputs: May I help you with a pickup truck?
echo Intake::orderShoes("suede"), PHP_EOL;
// outputs: I'm sorry, we can't help you with shoes.
The Scope Resolution Operator(::)the double colon, is a token that allows access to static, constant, and overridden properties or methods of a class.
use of Scope Resolution Operator
That's (generally) for accessing a static method or property in a class. It's called the scope resolution operator, or Paamayim Nekudotayim (which leads to some amazingly confusing error messages!). See
operator is the scope resolution operator. It is used to access class constants or static properties and methods, either from outside the class:Or within a class method to reference the same or a parent class using
:To supplement the answers regarding PHP's use of two colons as its "scope resolution operator":
In addition, a double colon is used:
To resolve an unqualified, qualified, or aliased class name to its fully qualified form, and
To invoke a class's "__callStatic" method with an arbitrary, previously undeclared method name.
To resolve a class name to its fully qualified form by appending "::class"
Two colons followed by the "class" keyword, placed after the name of a class, provides that class's fully qualified name as a string. I.e., "ClassName::class" resolves to the fully qualified name of "ClassName". See: (A) Manual: Classes and Objects: Basics, (B) Manual: Classes and Objects: Class Constants, and (C) Manual: Language Reference: Constants
The syntax was adopted in PHP 5.5. See: (A) RFC and (B) PHP 5.5 New Features
The "::class" syntax is useful within a namespace to obtain the fully qualified name of a class from its unqualified or qualified form, or from an alias of its name.
The "::class" syntax seems to work to resolve interface names as well as class names, although that does not appear to be documented by the sources linked above.
Within a class, the syntax also works with "self::class", as mentioned by the "::class" RFC linked above.
A few examples:
To invoke "__callStatic" with an undeclared method name
Two colons can be used to "call" a static method name that a class has not declared. E.g., "ClassName::arbitraryMethodName()". Doing so invokes the class's "__callStatic" method, if the class has declared one. It also passes to __callStatic the name of the undeclared method and any arguments passed to the undeclared method. The __callStatic method then may "dynamically" choose how to handle the call. PHP refers to this as "overloading" with the __callStatic "magic method".
See additional StackOverflow discussion