Is it possible to read a url to an image and set a UIImageView to the image at this url?
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Unfortunately this feature is not available as of this writing... instead you will have to implement the functionality yourself by:
Fortunately you don't have to break your head coming out with said functionality as Apple provides an example that does exactly that as part of their code samples.
Follow the code and I'm sure you will be able to accommodate it to your needs.
If you want to display image from Url in ImageView, And also want to save this image in cache for optimize to server interaction this would help you Just pass your imageView object and string Url to this function
If you want more, there is a delegate to handle actions after loading
Another option is TTImageView from the Three20 library which handles asynchronous loading of an image. The control works great. However, the downside is you have to deal with the nightmare of installing Three20 (which is then almost impossible to fully remove).
Here's an updated answer to the best answer, as imageWithContentsOfURL is no longer a method of UIImage. You'll have to use CIImage: