for this code:
import sys
import gevent
from gevent import monkey
import requests
import urllib2
def worker(url, use_urllib2=False):
if use_urllib2:
content = urllib2.urlopen(url).read().lower()
content = requests.get(url, prefetch=True).content.lower()
title = content.split('<title>')[1].split('</title>')[0].strip()
urls = ['']*5
def by_requests():
jobs = [gevent.spawn(worker, url) for url in urls]
def by_urllib2():
jobs = [gevent.spawn(worker, url, True) for url in urls]
if __name__=='__main__':
from timeit import Timer
t = Timer(stmt="by_requests()", setup="from __main__ import by_requests")
print 'by requests: %s seconds'%t.timeit(number=3)
t = Timer(stmt="by_urllib2()", setup="from __main__ import by_urllib2")
print 'by urllib2: %s seconds'%t.timeit(number=3)
this result:
by requests: 18.3397213892 seconds
by urllib2: 2.48605842363 seconds
in sniffer it looks this:
description: first 5 requests are sended by requests library, next 5 requests are sended by urllib2 library.
red - is time when work was freeze, dark - when data receiving... wtf?!
How it posible if socket library patched and libraries must work identically? How use requests without requests.async for asynchronious work?
I ran your code on my machine (
python 2.7.1
,gevent 0.13.0
,requests 0.10.6
). It turned out that the time was always a good second or two faster when using the requests module . What versions are you using? An upgrade might simply solve the issue for you.From the requests doc Blocking Or Non-Blocking:
Requests has gevent support integrated into the codebase:
As was pointed out by Kenneth, another thing we can do is to let the
module handle the asynchronous part. I've made changes to your code accordingly. Again, for me, the results show consistently thatrequests
module performs better thanurllib2
Doing this means that we cannot "thread" the call back part. But that should be okay, because the major gain should only be expected with the HTTP requests due to the request/response delay.
Here's one of my results:
Sorry Kenneth Reitz. His library is wonderful.
I am stupid. I need select monkey patch for httplib like this:
Because patch for httplib is disabled by default.