I'm working on an online PHP application that has a need for delayed PHP event. Basically I need to be able to execute arbitrary PHP code x many seconds (but it could be days) after the initial hit to a URL. I need fairly precise execution of these PHP event, also I want it to be fairly scalable. I'm trying to avoid the need to schedule a cron job to run every second. I was looking into Gearman, but it doesn't seem to provide any ability to schedule events and as I understand, PHP isn't really meant to run as a daemon.
It would be ideal if I could tell some external process to poll a "event checker" url on PHP server at the exact time that the next event should be run. This poll time will need to be able to decreased or increased at will since event can be removed and added to the queue and. Any ideas on an elegant way to accomplish this? There is simply to much overhead in calling PHP externally (having to parse HTTP request or calling via CLI) to make this idea feasible for my needs.
My current plan is write a PHP daemon that will run the event and interface with it from the PHP server with gearman. The PHP daemon would be build around SplMinHeap so hopefully the performance wouldn't be to bad. This idea leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I was wondering if anyone had a better idea? Ideas changed slightly. Read Edit 2.
I'm creating an online game that evolves players taking turns with variable time limit. I'm using XMPP and BOSH to allow me to push messages to and from my clients, but I've got that part all done and working. Now I'm trying to add an arbitrary event that triggers after play from the client to let the client (and other ppl in the game) that he took to long. I can't use timed trigger on the client side because that would be exploitable (since the client can play by themselves). Hope that helps.
Thank you all for your feedback. While I think most of your ideas would work well on small scale, I have a feeling they wouldn't scale very well (external event manager) or lack the exactness this project requires (CRON). Also, in both of those cases they are external pieces which could fail and add complexity to an already complex system.
I personally feel that the only clean solution that meets the requirements for this project is to write a PHP daemon that handles the delayed events. I've begun writing what I think is the first PHP runloop. It handles watching the sockets and executing delayed PHP events. Hopefully when I'm closer to being done with this project I can post up the source, if any of you are interested in it. So far in testing it has shown to be promising solution (no problems with memory leaking or instability).
EDIT 3: Here is a link to the PHP event loop library called LooPHP for those who are interested.
TL;DR Requirements
- Call (preferably natively) PHP at a delayed time (ranging from seconds to days)
- Handle creation/updating/deletion of events arbitrarily (I'm expecting a high amount of canceled call).
- Handle high load of events scheduled (100-1000 a second per server)
- Calls should be within one second of it's scheduled time
- At this point i'm not open to rewriting the code base into another language (maybe some day I will)
This seems like the perfect place for an event Queue in a database.
Have your user-created events (triggered by visiting the web page) create an entry into the DB that includes the instructions for the action to take place, and the timestamp for when it should happen. You Daemon (either a persistant application or triggered by CRON) checks the DB for events that should have happened (
$TriggerTime <= time()
) and that have not been flagged as "processed" yet. If you find one or more of these events, execute the instruction, and finally mark the event as "processed" in the DB or simply delete the entry.The bonus of using the DB to store the events (and not something that is resident in the RAM of an application) is that you can recover from a crash without data loss, you can have more than one worker reading in a single event at a time, and you can modify the event's simply.
Also, there are lots of folks who use PHP as a general daemon scripting language on servers, etc. Cron can execute a PHP script (and confirm that an instance of that "app" is already running) that checks the Event Queue every-so-often. You can have a little app that dies after a minute of inactivity, and then gets restarted by CRON. The app can check the DB for entries at a fast frequency of your choosing (like 1s). Normally Cron cannot do a timing event faster than once per minute.
I am not sure why you are trying to avoid cron. You could create a queue of requests in a table, and have cron fire up a process to check for current jobs.
There are a few issues, depending on your exact requirements. For instance:
So if you want precise execution, or execution takes longer than a second, or there is the potential for a heavy load, then the cron approach can run into problems.
I have many daeons that run PHP (using daemontools). With this approach you could hold the requests in core and perform whatever timing you wanted internally.
However if exact and relaible timing is what you want you should probably move away from PHP altogether.
You could use Node.JS which is an event-driven, JavaScript-based web server. Run it on a secret, internal port with a script that receives notification from the PHP script and then schedules the action to be run xx seconds later. The action in Node.JS could be as simple as running a PHP script on the main web server.
I recommend also the queue strategy, but you seem to dislike using the database as queue. You've got a XMPP infrastructure, so leverage it: use a pubsub Node and post your events to this node. Pubsub can optionally be configured to store unfetched items in a persistent way.
Your daemon process (no matter what language) can fetch all stored items at startup time and subscribe to changes to get notified about incoming actions. This way you can solve your problem in an elegant, asynchronous way.
Use the sleep function: http://php.net/sleep
Have your php script make an exec call to schedule your PHP script to run at the time you need using the command "at"
exec("at 22:56 /usr/bin/php myscript.php");
at executes commands at a specified time.
from the man page:
At allows fairly complex time specifications, extending the POSIX.2 standard. It accepts times of the form HH:MM to run a job at a spe cific time of day. (If that time is already past, the next day is assumed.) You may also specify midnight, noon, or teatime (4pm) and you can have a time-of-day suffixed with AM or PM for running in the morning or the evening. You can also say what day the job will be run, by giving a date in the form month-name day with an optional year, or giving a date of the form MMDDYY or MM/DD/YY or DD.MM.YY. The specifi cation of a date must follow the specification of the time of day. You can also give times like now + count time-units, where the time-units can be minutes, hours, days, or weeks and you can tell at to run the job today by suffixing the time with today and to run the job tomorrow by suffixing the time with tomorrow.
Further, if you need one second time resolution, have your script run at the start of the minute, then just sleep n seconds until it is time to execute.