for the past four days I am trying to understand the dijkstra's algorithm. But I can't. I have a vector of points. From that I created a cost matrix. But I don't know how to make the dijkstra's algorithm. Sources are available in net, but I am not from Computer science background, So I can't understand them. I am trying to make a function like this
vector<int> dijkstra(costMatrix[][])
return vector<int>pathPointindex
vector<Point> availablePoints;
vector<int> indexes=dijikstra(costMatrix)
for(int i=0;i<indexes.size();i++)
cout << "path points are " << availablePoints[indexes[i]] << endl;
If anybody, can you please post the code. I am not lazy. But my project already crossed the deadline one day ago. Now I lost my hope to understand the logic. Now Just I want the function. "A man in need is the angel indeed" .
EDIT: Special thanks to "Loki astari" for his excellent answer
I advise you to look at TopCoder tutorial that have very pragmatic apporach. You will need to find out how STL priority queue works and make sure you don't have any
negative edge weights
in your graph.Decent full implementation can be found here. You will have to add Path vector to it and implement
method in order to get nodes on path from source to sink. To use this solution you will also need to convert youradjacency matrix
toadjacency list
in following way:EDIT: If your graph is dense I would advise you to use Ford Bellman algorithm is much simpler and shouldn't be much slower.
EDIT2: To calculate path you should add in the header
Then you have to add RecoverPath method (it works only when path exists)
The main idea of Dijkstra algorithm is rather simple: Suppose you have a set of points with a known shortest paths to a given point A. Then lets assume we want to add a new point C to a set. Lets find which points from the set are connected with a point we want to add. Let it be point's B(i) So for all point's B(i) we will new to find a sum of distance between A to B(i) and B(i) and C. The smallest of that distances will be the minimum between A and C.
Dijkstra’s algorithm
In English:This is an algorithm for finding the shortest route from point A to point B.
In computing terms we simplify the route to a graph consisting of nodes and arcs. Each node represents an intermediate point while each arc connect two nodes and has a (non negative) weight representing the cost to traverse between the two nodes.
To implement the algorithm you need two lists:
So if you think about this algorithm. Say you are traveling from London to Manchester.
Using the following Costs matrix:
Now you take London out of the working list (as it is at the head) and place it into the finished list. Then add to the working list all the towns directly connected to London.
Consider the towns in the working set the outer edge of a bubble that has expanded from London. The job of Dijkstra's algorithm is to keep expanding the bubble until we hit Manchester (without retracing any steps we have already taken). So the bubble always expands outwards and we always expand the part of the bubble that is smallest.
So the next step is to take the head of the list and repeat. From Southampton there are only two destinations. Back to London (which we discard as it is in the finished list) and Oxford. The cost to get to Oxford is 50 + the cost from Southampton to Oxford (so notice it is in the working list twice but don;t worry we will discard it later as not an optimal route).
So repeat the loop. The head of the list is Oxford. From Oxford we can go to Manchester(200), Birmingham(50) or back to London(60) or Southampton(Remember we need to add the cost of getting to oxford to each of these costs above. Note that from Oxford we could have gone to Southampton but we have already found the shortest route to Southampton so no processing is required) This will leave us with:
Notice we have Manchester in the working list now (this is our destination). But we need to keep working as we may find a shorter route. So now we expand from Birmingham. From there we can go to Oxford(50), Manchester(80), London(100), Newcastle(110). Adding the cost of getting to Birmingham in the first place this gives us:
The next two nodes. Oxford and Birmingham are already in the finished list so we can ignore them. So unless there is a route from Norwich to Manchester that is less than 50 miles we will reach Manchester in the iteration after that.
first create a struct edge containing the source node index, destination node index and the edge "weight"( length ).
define a class Node containing edges to adjacent neighbors.
class NeighborsDistanceUpdator would be used as a "functor" by the for_each algorithm, for iterative pass and update of min distance from current node in the graph to adjacent neighbors.
as for the dijkstra algorithm, just run over all nodes in the graph and for each node update the min distance from source ( if less ), while saving adjacent nodes to visit.
Implementation in c ++