I want to attach a function to a jQuery element that fires whenever the element is added to the page.
I've tried the following, but it didn't work:
var el = jQuery('<h1>HI HI HI</H1>');
el.one('load', function(e) {
What I really want to do is to guarantee that another jQuery function that is expecting some #id to be at the page don't fail, so I want to call that function whenever my element is loaded in the page.
To clarify, I am passing the el element to another library (in this case it's a movie player but it could be anything else) and I want to know when the el element is being added to the page, whether its my movie player code that it is adding the element or anyting else.
Depending upon the browsers you need to support there are DOMNodeInserted and DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument events. Can't vouch for how well they work myself but theoretically you could bind to these events and then either check the new node and the possible subtree that was inserted, or just check the entire document again with a $(selector) of your choosing to detect the node you're waiting to see added.