I tried this code to achieve what I want to do. It worked when I tried it in my ordinary HTML file, but when I tried it in my JQuery Mobile page, the code did not work well for me. Are there different ways or code to select JQuery Mobile checkboxes?
Here's the code that I tried:
function SetAllCheckBoxes(FormName, FieldName, CheckValue)
var objCheckBoxes = document.forms[FormName].elements[FieldName];
var countCheckBoxes = objCheckBoxes.length;
objCheckBoxes.checked = CheckValue;
// set the check value for all check boxes
for(var i = 0; i < countCheckBoxes; i++)
objCheckBoxes[i].checked = CheckValue;
<form method="GET" name="myForm" onsubmit="return false;">
<label for="myCheckbox1">
<input type="checkbox" name="myCheckbox" value="1" id="myCheckbox1">
I like Britney Spears
<label for="myCheckbox2"><input type="checkbox" name="myCheckbox" value="2" id="myCheckbox2">
I like Hillary Duff
<label for="myCheckbox3"><input type="checkbox" name="myCheckbox" value="3" id="myCheckbox3">
I like Mandy Moore
<input type="button" onclick="SetAllCheckBoxes('myForm', 'myCheckbox', true);" value="I like them all!">
<input type="button" onclick="SetAllCheckBoxes('myForm', 'myCheckbox', false);" value="I don't like any of them!">
To toggle / refresh checkboxes in jquery mobile you need to use .prop, rather than .attr.
I was not aware that JQuery Mobile's checkboxes need to be refreshed after unchecking/checking them via JQuery or Javascript. Here's the code:
Try this:
I removed the FieldName because your function was named SetAllCheckBoxes, just your input fields are the same. You just need tell what's your form and the state of your checkboxes.