Is there any way to allow a positive minimum and a negative maximum? I am trying to create the slider in log space (10^8-10-13) and want to show the exponent on the slider.
<input type="range" min="8" max='-13' value="1" step="-1" id="myRange" >
This currently reverts to the default max=100
Or perhaps can I reverse the slider in some way? Any help would be much appreciated.
EDIT: Please remember I want the scale to be DECREASING from 8 to -13 (log space 10^8-10^-13).
EDIT: In IDL xr=[8,-13] (or R xlim=c(8,-13)). Note that the minimum value is a positive and the max is a negative number, and you can step between the two accordingly. I am asking for help with a workaround to create the same behaviour with the input type range.
You could simply switch the limits and multiply the value by
:If you'll need the value to be submitted, copy it to a hidden field, and use that on server-side instead of the original.
A live demo at jsFiddle.
Scale the slider from 0 to 21 with step=1.
In the change handler, calculate
8 - $(this).val()
to give the scaling you actually want.HTML
I think there is no way to allow a positive minimum and a negative maximum, but for the given case we can use min = -8 and max = 13 and on change we will assign negative of range value in a variable. e.g.,
This slider will be reversed: min(left) is 8 and max(right) is -13, i think this is what you wanted... and step=-1 don't works.
Thx css!
You have added the condition which is not going to satisfy logically. You need to swap the min and max value to make slider work:
Working Demo