Good day, friends. I have a PreferenceActivity, it is filled from XML file. When we press one item, we should launch new activity. How to do it? What should I write in XML-file or in the Java-class?
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You have to register an onClickListener to the view you want to launch the activity. Then, inside this method, you just need to invoke the activity with an intent. Something like this:
After you add preferences using
find your preference that you want to set onClick using
and define it by casting like
Then you can easily set its onClick using
You can start your new Activity (using an Intent) inside that listener.
Gradle Builders, Look Over Here!
If you are using gradle over ant as your build tool, and you declared an
.This will overwrite whatever value you declared in
as your app's unique identifier!The
would have to take both package names into account!Given you are using xml preferences you can add code right into the xml:
This is nice tutorial for add preferences dynamically...later you have to customized its own way.
In XMl :
In Java class: