I am writing unit tests using Moq. I have created a mock object. Now when i try to mock its property i am getting error "An expression tree may not contain an indexed property"
here is my code.
public Node GetNode(IMyInterface interface, string itemName)
return interface.Items[itemName];
Here is the unit test
var expected = new Node();
var itemName = "TestName";
var mock = new Mock<IMyInterface>();
mock.Setup(f => f.Items[itemName]).Returns(expected);
var target = new MyClass();
var actual = target.GetNode(mock.Object, itemName);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
This line is giving me error.
mock.Setup(f => f.Items[itemName]).Returns(expected);
How can i moq this function.
Using Moq in ASP.NET Core 2.2, the get_Items setup does not work. But this does:
Interface was a COM object and there were get function, so instead of directly accessing property using indexer use get function,