Find all subfolders of the Inbox folder using EWS

2020-08-23 02:16发布

I have the following Inbox folder structure:

----ABC 2
----ABC 3
----XYZ 2
----123 A
----123 B
----123 C

I am using Exchange Web Services and the following code to find the child folders of the Inbox folder:

ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010);

Mailbox mb = new Mailbox("");

FindFoldersResults findResults = service.FindFolders(
    new FolderView(int.MaxValue));

foreach (Folder folder in findResults.Folders)

This partly works because it returns the ABC, XYZ, and 123 folders; unfortunately, it does not return the folders inside each of those folders (ABC 2, ABC 3, XYZ 2, 123 A, 123 B, 123 C).

Also, it is possible that a folder could have more than one level of subfolders inside it.

How can I write this code so that it will return all subfolders regardless of how deeply nested they may be?

2楼-- · 2020-08-23 02:31

You can page your requests and get the entire folder hierarchy from the server in just a few calls. The key is the FolderView.Traversal property, as Jacob indicates.

For example, for an Exchange mailbox with ~1,300 folders the code below only makes 2 requests. You can set your page size to whatever you like, as long as you stay at or below the server limit.

FYI: Exchange Online (Office365) caps at a maximum of 1,000 items in a response. I haven't tested, so I can't speak for any similar limits when querying an on-premises Exchange Server.

using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Exchange = Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data;

static internal class Main
  public static void Main()
    Exchange.ExchangeService oService = default(Exchange.ExchangeService);
    Dictionary<string, User> oUsers = default(Dictionary<string, User>);

    oUsers = new Dictionary<string, User>();
    oUsers.Add("User1", new User("", "Some-Fancy-Password1"));
    oUsers.Add("User2", new User("", "Some-Fancy-Password2"));

    oUsers.ToList.ForEach((KeyValuePair<string, User> Credential) => { File.Delete(LOG_FILE_PATH.ToFormat(Credential.Key)); });

    oUsers.ToList.ForEach((KeyValuePair<string, User> Credential) =>
      LogFileName = Credential.Key;

      Console.WriteLine("Getting message counts for mailbox [{0}]...", LogFileName);

      oService = Service.ConnectToService(Credential.Value);

      GetAllFolders(oService, LOG_FILE_PATH.ToFormat(Credential.Key));


    Console.Write("Press any key to exit...");

  private static void GetAllFolders(Exchange.ExchangeService Service, string LogFilePath)
    Exchange.ExtendedPropertyDefinition oIsHidden = default(Exchange.ExtendedPropertyDefinition);
    List<Exchange.Folder> oFolders = default(List<Exchange.Folder>);
    Exchange.FindFoldersResults oResults = default(Exchange.FindFoldersResults);
    bool lHasMore = false;
    Exchange.Folder oChild = default(Exchange.Folder);
    Exchange.FolderView oView = default(Exchange.FolderView);

    short nPageSize = 0;
    short nOffSet = 0;

    List<string> oPaths = default(List<string>);
    List<string> oPath = default(List<string>);

    oIsHidden = new Exchange.ExtendedPropertyDefinition(0x10f4, Exchange.MapiPropertyType.Boolean);
    nPageSize = 1000;
    oFolders = new List<Exchange.Folder>();
    lHasMore = true;
    nOffSet = 0;

    while (lHasMore) {
      oView = new Exchange.FolderView(nPageSize, nOffSet, Exchange.OffsetBasePoint.Beginning);
      oView.PropertySet = new Exchange.PropertySet(Exchange.BasePropertySet.IdOnly);
      oView.Traversal = Exchange.FolderTraversal.Deep;

      oResults = Service.FindFolders(Exchange.WellKnownFolderName.MsgFolderRoot, oView);

      lHasMore = oResults.MoreAvailable;

      if (lHasMore) {
        nOffSet += nPageSize;

    oFolders.RemoveAll(Folder => Folder.ExtendedProperties(0).Value == true);
    oFolders.RemoveAll(Folder => Folder.FolderClass != "IPF.Note");

    oPaths = new List<string>();

    oFolders.ForEach(Folder =>
      oChild = Folder;
      oPath = new List<string>();

      do {
        oChild = oFolders.SingleOrDefault(Parent => Parent.Id.UniqueId == oChild.ParentFolderId.UniqueId);
      } while (oChild != null);

      oPaths.Add("{0}{1}{2}".ToFormat(Strings.Join(oPath.ToArray, DELIMITER), Constants.vbTab, Folder.TotalCount));

    oPaths.RemoveAll(Path => Path.StartsWith("Sync Issues"));

    File.WriteAllText(LogFilePath, Strings.Join(oPaths.ToArray, Constants.vbCrLf));

  private static string LogFileName;
  private const string LOG_FILE_PATH = "D:\\Emails\\Remote{0}.txt";
  private const string DELIMITER = "\\";

internal class Service
  public static Exchange.ExchangeService ConnectToService(User User)
    return Service.ConnectToService(User, null);

  public static Exchange.ExchangeService ConnectToService(User User, Exchange.ITraceListener Listener)
    Exchange.ExchangeService oService = default(Exchange.ExchangeService);

    oService = new Exchange.ExchangeService(Exchange.ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013_SP1);
    oService.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(User.EmailAddress, User.Password);
    oService.AutodiscoverUrl(User.EmailAddress, RedirectionUrlValidationCallback);

    if (Listener != null) {
      oService.TraceListener = Listener;
      oService.TraceEnabled = true;
      oService.TraceFlags = Exchange.TraceFlags.All;

    return oService;

  private static bool RedirectionUrlValidationCallback(string RedirectionUrl)
    var _with1 = new Uri(RedirectionUrl);
    return _with1.Scheme.ToLower == "https";

internal class User
  public User(string EmailAddress)
    _EmailAddress = EmailAddress;
    _Password = new SecureString();

  public User(string EmailAddress, string Password)
    _EmailAddress = EmailAddress;
    _Password = new SecureString();

    Password.ToList.ForEach((char Chr) => { this.Password.AppendChar(Chr); });


  public static User GetUser()
    User functionReturnValue = null;
    string sEmailAddress = null;
    ConsoleKeyInfo oUserInput = default(ConsoleKeyInfo);

    Console.Write("Enter email address: ");
    sEmailAddress = Console.ReadLine;
    Console.Write("Enter password: ");

    functionReturnValue = new User(sEmailAddress);

    while (true) {
      oUserInput = Console.ReadKey(true);

      if (oUserInput.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter) {
        break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit While

      } else if (oUserInput.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) {

      } else if (oUserInput.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace) {
        if (functionReturnValue.Password.Length != 0) {
          functionReturnValue.Password.RemoveAt(functionReturnValue.Password.Length - 1);

      } else {


    if (functionReturnValue.Password.Length == 0) {
      functionReturnValue = null;
    } else {
    return functionReturnValue;

  public string EmailAddress { get; }

  public SecureString Password { get; }

internal class TraceListener : Exchange.ITraceListener

  public void Trace(string TraceType, string TraceMessage)
    File.AppendAllText("{0}.txt".ToFormat(Path.Combine("D:\\Emails\\TraceOutput", Guid.NewGuid.ToString("D"))), TraceMessage);

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//Conversion powered by NRefactory.
//Twitter: @telerik
Evening l夕情丶
3楼-- · 2020-08-23 02:41

You can tell EWS to do a deep traversal when searching the folders. You can do this using the FolderView.Traversal property. Your code would then be changed to something similar to the following:

FindFoldersResults findResults = service.FindFolders(
    new FolderView(int.MaxValue) { Traversal = FolderTraversal.Deep });
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