I have two tables: gallery and pictures:
id int (auto increment, primary key)
name varchar
id int (auto increment, primary key)
picture varchar
gallery_id int (foreign key)
How do I join these two tables showing for each row from the left table (gallery) just the first row from the second table, without going through all the rows from the second table? I am using MySQL.
My objective is to make a page containing a list of the existing galleries showing a picture for each gallery as a link to the details page with all the pictures of that gallery.
I have searched this question on this site but the similar questions are too complicated. I'm only interested in this simple example.
Second option ( without grouping ) is by using internal row numbering, and limiting the row number to the first occurence.
Hope this helps for you
Apparently grouping in MySQL database would do the trick for you.
Database columns are
main_id, sub_id, sub_main_id, sub_data
without the group i have these records:
after grouping, I get this result: