Is it possible with an Owin Middleware implementation to add claims prior to the execution of a Web API controller?
Created an OwinMiddleware implementation and added an identity:
var id = new ClaimsIdentity();
id.AddClaim(new Claim("Whatever", "is possible"));
await Next.Invoke(context);
However, even this Invoke method call the identities are not updated (just the internal claims array). And the controller when executed of course never gets the new dummy claim.
There's already a class that can provide claims enrichment ClaimsAuthenticationManager, which you can extend so it handles your domain-specific claims, for example...
Next task is to provide appropriate middleware to invoke this. For my projects I've written the following classes...
And then a wiring extension...
I know this is service locator anti-pattern but using IServiceProvider is container neutral and seems to be the accepted way of putting dependencies into Owin middleware.
Last you need to wire this up in your Startup, example below presumes Unity and registering/exposing a IServiceLocator property...
You may find useful inheriting from Authorizate Attribute and extending it to meet your requirements:
And in your controller:
Here is a link on other custom implemenation for WebApi Authorizations:
This is how I ended up adding a new claim in owin middleware, based on the OP's comment about hooking into UseOAuthBearerAuthentication. It uses IdentityServer3.AccessTokenValidation, which calls UseOAuthBearerAuthentication internally and passes the OAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider through to it.