I'm getting the following error in R:
argument lengths differ.
I have a data set I would like to order on two columns, first on caseID, then on a column that contains a timestamp. I use the following code:
mydata <- mydata[order(mydata[ ,col1], mydata[ ,col2], decreasing = FALSE),]
Col1 and col2 are two variables holding an integer. I have looked at similar questions and tried the solutions that were proposed there, but nothing worked ;).
Could someone please help me?
Kind regards
R thinks that you 2 columns have different lengths, sometimes that happens when you accidentally access a column that does not exist, check the values of
to make sure that they are appropriate numbers. Also look atlength(mydata[,col1])
to see if those 2 values match. Also check for missing,
or other punctuation, sometimes if you don't have the syntax exactly right then you get a list of length 1, or a single element vector which does not match the other vector in length.I was having this same problem, but was able to get my code working. Try this code.
The result is decreasing, so adding function decreasing = False was not necessary. Hope that helps.
Probably it's nice to check this similar post out, uses dplyr package to solve it and it helped me: Arrange within a group with dplyr
This might do the trick: