I would like to have the following case on a single line:
case s do
:a -> :b
:b -> :a
The macro case
is defined as case(condition, clauses)
. The following
quote do
case s do
:a -> :b
:b -> :a
{:case, [],
[{:s, [], Elixir}, [do: [{:->, [], [[:a], :b]}, {:->, [], [[:b], :a]}]]]}
and from here should be possible to go back to case(s, ???)
There are two possible ways to do this. One from the answer above is to inline the
do end
calls obtaining:Another one is to use
, do:
keyword version of a block. We need to group the two expressions - otherwise the compiler wouldn't know both clauses are part of the case:Without the parens the expression would be parsed as:
:b -> :a
on it's own is not a valid expression in elixir.Apparently, you can use
to achieve what you want: