I'm looking for an extension/process for getting an object's assembly qualified type name within Visual Studio. I'm aware that you can write a quick console app to output this but find it to be a clumsy process. Ideally, I'd like the ability to right-click on a type name, and have the option to copy it's assembly qualified name to the clipboard in order to paste into my DI Container's configuration file.
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Assembly Information is probably close to what you are looking for. It seems to only show information on your references but should't be a problem if you have another project in your solution referencing the assembly.
Good idea for a plug-in if it's possible.
Try using Productivity Power Tools. Its free and provides a whole slew of other great extension for Visual Studio.
In newer versions of ReSharper you can use the ReSharper/Edit/Copy Fully-qualified name/ Source browser URI to clipboard menu option.