I'd like to set the SeekBars
's track start position so it does not start from the left side of the seekbar, but form an arbitrary position. Here is a photoshop image how it should look like:
It should be just a graphical effect, the SeekBar
's underlying logic is not changed.
I tried to change the Seekbar.getprogressDrawable.SetBounds()
to change the track image position, but no luck.
By Programatically,we can start the progress and set the maximum of seekbar progress.
May be your problem is similar to Seekbar for two values [-50, 0, 50].
Thanks to Commonsware to point to right direction. I wrote a class inspired by code.google.com/p/range-seek-bar) to get the solution.
You can set progress of SeekBar in xml as:
you can programmatically set the progress of SeekBar as:
You can add this: android:rotation="180" to the XML and then the seekbar will flip the way you want
Just faced the same problem. That's how I have solved it.
Assume, we need seekbar starting from 10 and ending at 150.
add this proprety