I am using https://github.com/ctimmerm/axios-mock-adapter
I would like to know how can I verify that an endpoint was actually called by the system under test.
In this example:
var axios = require('axios');
var MockAdapter = require('axios-mock-adapter');
// This sets the mock adapter on the default instance
var mock = new MockAdapter(axios);
// Mock any GET request to /users
// arguments for reply are (status, data, headers)
mock.onGet('/users').reply(200, {
users: [
{ id: 1, name: 'John Smith' }
How could I tell if a get on '/users' was called?
I am looking for something similar to what you can do in Jest:
I realise I can use some custom logic when using a function to reply, and setting a local variable indicating if the request has been made. I was just wondering if there was a cleaner way of doing this.
axios-mock-adapter does not appear to have this functionality built in to it, however if you are using jest, you can use jest.spyOn.
For your example above
Note: depending on what you are using, you may have to wrap your expect statement in setTimeout(function, 0) for it to work properly