Using Python 2.7 and Pandas
I have to parse through my directory and plot a bunch of CSVs. If the CSV is empty, the script breaks and produces the error message: No columns to parse from file
If I have my file paths stored in
how do I read through each one and only plot the non empty CSVs? If I have an empty dataframe defined as df=[] I attempt the following code
for i in range(0,len(file_paths)):
if pd.read_csv(file_paths[i] == ""):
print "empty"
else df.append(pd.read_csv(file_paths[i],header=None))
Note, as of pandas 0.22.0 (that I can be sure of) , the exception raised for empty csv is
. And if you're importing pandas likeimport pandas as pd
, then usepd
instead ofpandas
.If your csv filenames are in an array
, thenI'm not sure if
is still valid or not. Can't find it in reference docs. And I also would advise against the catch-allexcept:
as you won't be able to know if it's something else causing the issue.You can use the in built
syntax to skip over files that return you an error, as follows:Described here: Try/Except in Python: How do you properly ignore Exceptions?
This will attempt to read each file, and if unsuccessful continue to the next file.
I would just catch the appropriate exception, as a catch all is not recommended in python: