So I am able to set up dynamic height sizing with auto layout when I have only one label that changes the height based on the length of the string. My problem is that if I add another UILabel that should do the same, things don't work out.
I am setting both the Content Hugging priority and the Compression Resistance to 1000 for both == I get warnings of ambiguity
If I set the Content Hugging (Vertical) for the second UILabel to 999 or 250 then it works great but only if the second label has 2 or more line. If the second label is blank or has only one line, the heightForRowAtIndexPath systemLayoutSizeFittingSize:UILayoutFittingCompressedSize height returns large values, and the cells have large blank spaces.
I also played around with the Intrinsic Size: Default or Placeholder(with couple of heights and widths) but it does not help either.
Anyone any suggestions what can be done?
For me setting content hugging priority and content compression resistance priority lower to one of the element worked just as expected.
For me it took a combination of several things.
The UILabel subclass ended up looking like this:
Besides this calling layoutIfNeeded on the cell before getting the height in
tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:
made the constraints to be ready before using thesystemLayoutSizeFittingSize:
method on the contentView. Looking like this:References:
I got it working finally. The solution was for me to explicitly set the Preferred Width to the current frame width. So basically checking the Explicit check mark in the Label > Preferred Width in the Size Inspector.
ref: download the sample code and see the storyboard setup.