I'm testing a React component using Jest v16.0.1, react-test-renderer v15.4.0 and react-addons-test-utils v15.4.0.
The component has rendered a button:
className="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-danger"
onClick={() => this.handleCancel()}
And in my test I'm rendering the component like so:
const component = renderer.create(
<MyComponent />
const instance = component.getInstance();
// This works but is ugly
// This doesn't work
let tree = component.toJSON();
What is the recommended way to simulate a click on this button? You can traverse the JSON representation of the component but it seems like their should be a better way.
Before when I was using ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument you could pass in a reference to the component using refs to ReactTestUtils.Simulate.click
I've seen this question - How to interact with components rendered by ReactTestRenderer / Jest but I assume the API has changed as my component instance has no find() method.
Maybe it's too late but
is an API from enzyme. The answer on the question you referred to assumed enzyme is used as mentioned on the comment.Something like this should work.
without enzyme, it would look like this.
I have found a solution. Since you are using react, I assume that the onClick handler function is passed to the button as a part of the props. So you can access it through button's props.
Or if you have more than one button, you can do this: