I am pretty new to TypeScript. I started with a book called Typescript Revealed (Pub Feb.2013). In Chapter 2 there is a section called "Casts" that has the following example:
var a : int = <int>SomeNumberAsAString;
I tried to apply the example, as follows:
var SomeNumberAsAString = "1000";
var a: int = <int>SomeNumberAsAString;
But compiler gave me an error:
hello.ts(2,8): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'int'.
hello.ts(2,15): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'int'.
I'm wondering how to do this cast, or has the specification of Typescript changed?
I've read @basarat's answer and decided to post my own since I strongly believe that there's still some room for explanation.
Be warned,
casting won't generate a number. In fact it will allow your code to be compiled (thus you'll pass all static typing checks) but it won't be a number in javascript. Consider this snippet of code:I hardly can imagine cases when
-case is beneficial compared tob
-case. I'd go with just parseInt or parseFloat or Number, whatever fits more.<T><any>
casting looks smart but you must be 100% sure what you are supposed to achieve by that idiom.And in most cases you probably don't want to achieve that )
Here is the cleanest way to do it.
converts the string value to the number.<number>
says to Typescript compiler that we need to cast the type of the value to typenumber
.I prefer this variant
That book is old. Its called
now.Also this assertion is very unsafe and I would not do this in production code. But it gets the point across :)
A more up to date book chapter on assertions : https://basarat.gitbooks.io/typescript/content/docs/types/type-assertion.html