I am trying to pass a value to my javascript function but that function call depends on a boolean variable. I had this working fine until I recently upgraded to thymeleaf security 5.
This is the code snippet.
<body th:onload="${timerEnabled} ? 'javascript:runTimer(\'' + ${timeRemaining} + '\');'">
timerEnabled has to be true for the function call to be done but thymeleaf now throws an exception as
org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateProcessingException: Only variable expressions returning numbers or booleans are allowed in this context, any other datatypes are not trusted in the context of this expression, including Strings or any other object that could be rendered as a text literal. A typical case is HTML attributes for event handlers (e.g. "onload"), in which textual data from variables should better be output to "data-*" attributes and then read from the event handler.
How can I resolve this? Thank you.
I was able to have it working by using this approach
Any other approach such as suggested in the exception is appreciated.
Since Thymeleaf 3.0.10 they fixed a security-bug regarding unescaped code.
Or the recommended way:
To read more: https://github.com/thymeleaf/thymeleaf/issues/707 And: http://forum.thymeleaf.org/Thymeleaf-3-0-10-JUST-PUBLISHED-tt4031348.html#a4031353
Try it this way.
If it doesn't work, you can also try using
.I know, the other version does look much better, but since it is not working, this one is not so bad. Of course, I wouldn't recommend adding it to your bode in this case.
What I find weird, is that I try your code it does work on my end. Who knows why you are getting that error.