I'd like to change the color of my cell accessoryType from blue to white. The textColor is already set to white. Does someone of you guys know how to do this?
My Code:
cell!.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryType.Checkmark
I'd like to change the color of my cell accessoryType from blue to white. The textColor is already set to white. Does someone of you guys know how to do this?
My Code:
cell!.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryType.Checkmark
You can also change the cell's tint color from the storyboard (assuming you are using a xib file)
If you are targeting iOS 13+ you can use the SF symbols right chevron (it's what Apple uses)
"How to change color for .disclosureIndicator indicator type". After much research, I noticed that the image of disclosureIndicator is not an Image but a backgroundImage. I found a solution like this:
cell.contentView.backgroundColor = .grey
cell.backgroundColor = .grey
Swift 3.1:
Im my case i need to change contentView color of my CustomCell.
Its can be easy making when u override methods :
But when i add to my customCell :
i had a problem when view under
is not change color. Its looks like:So i look on
and find thatDisclosureIndicator
is a button. If change background color of this button u have thisSo i try to change background color of
of this button. And its work great.Full code of
setHighlighted func :