I'm trying to scroll the page up and down could someone help me? I'm using appium version 1.6. and java client 6.01For latest Version it is Not Showing driver.scroll()methods or TouchAction action = new TouchAction (this.driver);action.press (startX, startY).moveTo (endX, endY) .release () .perform(); it is not performing press
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These methods are untested as I currently have no test apps that require scrolling, but I've put these together for my own future potential use. I have two methods for each scroll/swipe direction - one using Appium and the other using javascript executor. I'll show just the two scroll down routines I have below, and you should be able to determine easily how to write the other direcections from just these two examples.
First, the Appium version:
Now the corresponding javascript version:
Remember, neither of these are tested, but I am using the information I gathered from the Appium web site itself, so they should both work.