I have 3 tables. Here I am posting it's database diagram.
You can download the DB code from here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lk956afaxv147h0/testS.sql?dl=0
Now, using this database and using "only" mysql, I need to do the below work.
1) Given a user ID, it should get a list of all words known by this user, sorted in the revese order from which they were learned. In other words, the most recently learned words will be at the top of the list.
2) You will get a list of all articles which contain this particular word from table "Words"
3) You will scan this list and return all records from table "Article" which contain a maximum of 10 “unknown” words. In other words, if that article contains more than 10 words that do not appear in the user’s vocabulary list (pulled from table "Words_Learned"), then it is excluded from the listing.
4) Then, you move on to the next record in the list from step step 1. You repeat the same process, except you skip any articles that were returned from step 3 or excluded as part of the filtering process in step 3.
To achieve this process, I did the below
SELECT `words_learned`.`idwords`,
FROM words_learned
INNER JOIN Words ON Words.idWords = Words_Learned.`idwords`
WHERE words_learned.userId = 1
ORDER BY Words_Learned.`order` DESC
In my query, I have covered point 1 and 2. But what should I need to do in order to cover point 3 and 4?
In other words: Show all learnt words for which no hard-to-read articles exist. I don't do it quite step by step as suggested. Here is my query:
Here is an SQL fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/6de6a/4.
Answer for 1) Given a user ID, it should get a list of all words known by this user, sorted in the revese order from which they were learned. In other words, the most recently learned words will be at the top of the list.
is provided user ID and to my understanding content will hold value of learnt words2) You will get a list of all articles which contain this particular word from table "Words"
this will select all the words having substring pe like sniper etc . Also you can select only article content by replacing