I have to implement a web service in my work, the problem is that I don't have any idea what a web services is. Can you give me some references to get started and to understand what people are asking me for? Maybe some good book also ...
I have to implement a web service in my work, the problem is that I don't have any idea what a web services is. Can you give me some references to get started and to understand what people are asking me for? Maybe some good book also ...
There simply isn't a short answer to this question, but there are limitless guides you can easily find on any search engine to help you get started. But since you asked, here are two links, one to help you understand the inner-workings of a web service, and the second, a guide to creating your first service in ASP.NET
Anatomy of a Web Service: XML, SOAP and WSDL for Platform-independent Data Exchange
Create Your First ASP.NET Web Service
Start at wikipedia
Also some great info on MSDN
Get Started with basics about a web service here
Assuming you want to use WCF to build web services read about it more here or if you want to use legacy web services with .net read here
Here is a simple wcf service application with code which you can build on further and understand.