I wish to change the boolean attribute of my Task resource depending on wether checkbox is checked or not. I am stuck as I don't know what to do... I have everything before adding this AJAX checkbox working, whole CRUD, everything tested with rspec and capybara and bootstrapped. I have the following code...
27 <%= form_for [@project, @task], :remote => true do |f| %>
28 <%= f.label :completed %>
29 <%= f.check_box :completed %>
30 <% end %>
This :completed is the boolean attribute of the Task.
8 jQuery ->
9 $('#task_completed').bind 'change', (event) =>
10 $.post()
Dont know how to finish this $.post() thing and how to make code in the controller work... So far I only have this...
1 class TasksController < ApplicationController
3 before_filter :authenticate_user!
4 before_filter :find_project_from_project_id
5 before_filter :find_task, :only => [:show, :edit, :update]
7 def show
8 @title = @task.name
9 end
11 def new
12 @title = 'New task'
13 @task = @project.tasks.build
14 end
16 def create
17 @task = @project.tasks.build(params[:task])
18 if @task.save
19 current_user.tasks.push(@task)
20 redirect_to [@project, @task], :notice => 'Task created'
21 else
22 render 'new'
23 flash.now[:alert] = 'Task not created'
24 end
25 end
27 def edit
28 @title = 'Edit task'
29 end
31 def update
32 if @task.update_attributes(params[:task])
33 redirect_to [@project, @task], :notice => 'Task updated'
34 else
35 render 'edit'
36 flash.now[:alert] = 'Task not updated'
37 end
38 end
40 private
41 #controller doesn't respond to these methods as actions
43 def find_project_from_project_id
44 @project = current_user.projects.find(params[:project_id])
45 rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
46 redirect_to projects_path
47 flash[:alert] = 'Project you were looking for could not be found'
48 end
50 def find_task
51 @task = @project.tasks.find(params[:id])
52 rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
53 redirect_to project_path(@project)
54 flash[:alert] = 'Task you were looking for could not be found'
55 end
57 end
Also, for those who want more... How to write tests for this thing? And should I write them at all for this?
EDIT: Upon research, I found people are doing it like this... Is this the way to go? Upon inspecting element I can see new requests are being made when i change the checkbox, but the boolean still remains false...
8 jQuery ->
9 $('#task_completed').bind 'change', (event) =>
10 $('#task_completed').parents('form:first').submit()
11 $('.task_headline').toggleClass('completed_task')
This is not an elegant solution in so many ways, but it works :)
Since this is an ajax action, you need to handle it differently in the controller than you normally would.
And in a update.js.erb view, something like:
In the jquery .post(), you also really should specify the url and include the data parameter, as suggested earlier.
You are not providing the attributes to the $.post action.
Try to make something like this:
This will make the functionality you need, as you explained me over the IRC room. As checkboxes values are only sent if the checkbox is checked, we have to set a custom boolean value whether the checkbox is checked or not (achieved by the $(this).is(':checked') function).
Inspected the ajax request using Firebug or the Chrome/Opera/Safari inspector. You could add more functionalities in the $.post function, like a function to the the complete event. Take a look into the jQuery documentation about ajax and the $.post function: