I successfully displayed the 3 columns in the gridview. the attr1, attr2, and the sum of the 2 attributes. attr1 and attr2 are from the database and the 3rd column is their sum. How do I make the sorting and filtering work?
Here is the gridview.
'label' => 'Number of Enquiries',
'value' => function ($model) {
return $model->countEnquire + $model->countPhone + $model->countTrial;
'enableSorting' => true,
How add sorting for this column?
OK, I don't have your full source code to go by but can help with a basic example. Ideally you should start by creating your model and CRUD files using Gii like I have for in my example below.
Here is my basic database table,
:I added some test data:
Then I created the model and CRUD files using Gii, which I then modified to show you an example of the custom summing/sorting you wish to achieve. See below.
I hope this helps!