using AJAX and spring MVC , How to return List of objects from Spring Controller and using Jquery display them .
making Ajax request below:
type: "POST",
url: "allUser.html",
data: "select=" + selectedCheckboxArray,
success: function(data){
var userListContent="";
var json =data.message;
$.each(json, function(i, obj) {
userListContent=userListContent+"<td><input type='checkbox' value='""' id='select' name='select'/></td> ";
userListContent=userListContent+"<td id='NameColumn'>"+obj.firstName+" "+obj.lastName +"</td>";
userListContent=userListContent+"<td id='genderColumn'>"+ obj.gender +"</td>";
userListContent=userListContent+"<td id='userNameColumn'>"+ obj.userName +" </td>";
userListContent=userListContent+"<td id='userTypeColumn'> "+ obj.userType +"</td>";
userListContent=userListContent+"<td id='statusColumn'>"+ obj.status +"</td>";
userListContent=userListContent+"<td id='emailIdColumn'>"+ obj.emailId +"</td>";
userListContent=userListContent+"<td id='addressColumn'>"+ obj.address +"</td>";
userListContent=userListContent+"<td id='contactnoColumn'>"+ obj.contactNo +"</td>";
$('#rounded-corner tbody').html(userListContent);
error: function(e){
alert('Error: ' + e.responseText);
MVC Contrller
@RequestMapping(value="/deleteUser",method= RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody Map<String, Object> deleteUser(UserDetails user,HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response )throws ServletException,IOException
System.out.println("Ajax Request Received for delete User...............");
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
JsonResponse js=new JsonResponse();
// String operation=request.getParameter("operation");
String[] selectedUserIdParameter = request.getParameterValues("select");
/* Code Description:
* Array "selectedUserIdParameter" above has ID like {1,2,3,.....},
* we need to use array like {1 2 3 4 } without (,).so first we must convert.
* Following code doing the same.
* After Conversion Array "selectedUserId" will have ID like {1 2 3 4 }
* If You Know PHP explode()" function ,following is doing something like what explode() function does .
String msg="hello";
List<UserDetails> usersList = userService.getAllUser();
int no=usersList.size();
model.put("message", usersList);
model.put("jso", js);
return model;
This might be too late now, but just to show you how to call an action through spring by using jQuery Ajax I provide here whatever I had done in my project : (Ajax call For user validation)
Ajax function to be written in *.js file :
And this is the action I wrote in controller : (I had created errors.jsp page for rendering errors)
Hope this provides you the answer and sorry for indentation, I can't do t properly :-(
You are going to accept and return objects in the form of JSON, so add the jackson mapper bean in spring dispatcher servlet xml. Jackson mapper does it all. You don't need to do mapping or conversion manually.
Now your controller would be like this :
Now you ajax call will be something like this :
This will work.
Returning the ArrayList directly should work...