I'm tryin' to find a script that will let me display "linenumber# and linenumber# as well as lines#-#" from a text file in a batch file? I found this script here on this site..
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if [%1] == [] goto usage
if [%2] == [] goto usage
SET /a counter=0
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in (%2) do (
if "!counter!"=="%1" goto exit
echo %%a
set /a counter+=1
goto exit
echo Usage: head.bat COUNT FILENAME
And it works great :) But it grabs the number of lines from the top of the text file. I want to be able to display certain lines in the text file, as well as a range if possible..
EG: I have a text file with 30 lines, and I want to display lines 1-4; 7-11; 13; 17-20; 22; 26 & 29
Here's a simple modification of the sample batch file above. Copy the code below to file and name it "LineDisplay.bat" - it takes the FirstLineNumber and LastLineNumber as parameters. Example: LineDisplay test.txt 12 30 (to read lines 12-30)
Here's a line to a nice tutorial on creating batch files http://vtatila.kapsi.fi/batch_tutorial.html
Seems to work:
The whole script could use some better error checking, examples of what not to do or where error checking is a bit wonky:
dl foo.txt 1-2-4
(prints lines 1-2 but no error message)dl foo.txt -1
(error message that the range 1- isn't correct)Other limitations:
dl foo.txt 7-8,1-2
.dl foo.txt 1,2,2-8,11-15
will stop after the second line.EDIT: Fixed an issue with files that contain parentheses.