I am trying to make a repeating task where I can change the delay in which it repeats. Here is the current code I am using:
var actionwait = SKAction.waitForDuration(self.wait)
var actionrun = SKAction.runBlock({
if (self.count % 2 == 0 && self.wait > 0.2){
self.wait -= 0.1
actionwait.duration = self.wait
for node in self.children{
if (node.isMemberOfClass(Dot)){
var radius = CGFloat(arc4random_uniform(100) + 30)
var newNode = Dot(circleOfRadius: radius)
var color = self.getRandomColor()
newNode.fillColor = color
newNode.strokeColor = color
newNode.yScale = 1.0
newNode.xScale = 2.0
newNode.userInteractionEnabled = true
newNode.position = newNode.randomPos(self.view!)
However, it appears that because the sequence is already repeating, changing the duration of the delay does not effect anything.
when you create
it's going to save the values inside that closure and keep using them in yourrepeatActionForever
When you're tracking changes it's best to do that sort of thing in the
method. Using actions in this case might not be the best approach.I'm not sure about when you (for your game) need to be checking for changes. For most things using the
method is adequateheres one way i implement a timer in update
delta is the difference of time between this frame and the last frame. It's used create fluid motion, and track time. Things like that. This is pretty standard among spritekit projects. you usually need to use delta projectwide
declare these two properties:
This should be how the top of your update method looks