Good evening. I'm developing an android application that uses Facebook SDK. I've no problem with user oauth authentication and I've no problem using the SDK to add a simple status update on the user wall.
Now I'm trying to use more deeply this Facebook Android SDK and I found a really big lack about documentation.
At the moment I'm using this snippet of code to add the user status:
Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString("message", "my message");
params.putString("link", "my site url" );
params.putString("name", "my name");
params.putString("caption", "my caption" );
mAsyncRunner.request(REQUEST_WALL_POST, params, HTTP_METHOD_POST, listener, null);
it works pretty well.
Now I want to add more content and attributes to this facebook status. For example (in my scenario) I want to add the user location (taken with Android GPS) to the facebook update. I tried to search into Facebook API Documentation but the only "semi-usefull" thing I found is this:
For what I understand this explain which are a Post's return fields and not fields I can use to create a add-post request.
Anyway I found the "place" field:
Location associated with a Post, if any
object containing id and name of Page associated with this location, and a location field containing geographic information such as latitude, longitude, country, and other fields (fields will vary based on geography and availability of information)
I cannot find any kind of working example (or simple an example!!) to understand how to build this field and if I can or not pass to the Android bundle..
Can someone explain me?
I just made a share with SoundHound (a music application) and what I need is to perfeclty do something like it:
Exactly like it!
This is the result:
Maybe I found something interesting.
This is the facebook documentation page:
What I need to use is this:
I will experiment a bit and I'll post some results :)