I just increase my sample to 12 and found axes.prop_cycle()
has only 10 colors by default (I think it is tab10
.). So I got IndexError: list index out of range
My simplified code. Each sample value is represented in each row of matrix
matrix = np.random.randint(25, size=(12, 4))
for p in xrange(12):
ax_eachp = plt.subplot2grid((protcount, 1), (p, 0), rowspan=1, colspan=1)
ax_eachp.plot(matrix[p], color=colors[p])
Can I just add 2 more colors manually if I want to remain first 10 colors in tab10
? or how to change to other qualitative color maps?
Just as the linked question Python Matplotlib/Basemap Color Cycling shows, you may set the axes'
to include those colors you like.Here you can take the tab10 colors and add two more colors to the list of colors to be used in the
.However, since in the case from the question, you anyway loop over the colors, there is actually no need for a cycler. The following produces the same result as above.