I'm doing some python online tutorials, and I got stuck at an exercise:A palindrome is a word which is spelled the same forwards as backwards. For example, the word
is a palindrome: the first and last letters are the same (r), the second and second-last letters are the same (a), etc. Write a function isPalindrome(S) which takes a string S as input, and returns True if the string is a palindrome, and False otherwise. These is the code I wrote :
def isPalindrome(S):
if S[0] == S[-1]
return print("True")
elif S[0] == S[-1] and S[1] == S[-2] :
return print("True")
return print("False")
But, if the word is for example ,,sarcas,, , the output is incorect. So I need a fix to my code so it works for any word.
A one line solution but O(n) and memory expensive is :
A O(n/2) solution that uses the same amount of memory is:
This is the trick @LennartRegebro mentioned
Here's my solution:
Another way of doing it using recursion is:
this is my solution S = input("Input a word: ")
Try this
Here is my solution.