Consider an application that transfers xml messages with custom encrypted content through a tcp based protocol. Is there any policy from google play that enforces us to use a specific kind of encryption? Does google play forces us to get encryption export certificates for the encryption used (Twofish)? Should we contact with google play and inform about our application?
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To publish an app on Google Play you need to agree that you follow U.S export regulations. This means if your app is using encryption and meets some rules you need to get an ERN (encryption registration number).
Depending of what kind of encryption you are using you might not need to apply for an ERN. You do not need an ERN if
There are also exceptions to these rules. However, since it is rather complicated, you better go to and read the original document.
If you need an ERN you might me able to make a self-classification if your app meets some criteria. If so you can sign up for a SNAP-R account and apply for a ERN.
If you are uncertain about the rules you should contact BIS rather than Google.