My Blade is:
{!! Form::open(['method' => 'PUT', 'id' => 'confirmTCU',
'action' => ['TournamentUserController@confirmUser', $tournament->slug, $categoryTournament->id,$user->slug ]]) !!}
It generates my Form:
<form method="POST" action="" accept-charset="UTF-8" id="confirmTCU">
<input name="_method" type="hidden" value="PUT">
<input name="_token" type="hidden" value="tiaIHtctMbo1NwbEK8TqoKOyrN8ZSyeQELSyYL9A">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-flat text-warning-600 btnConfirmTCU" id="confirm_bisque_1_admin" data-tournament="bisque" data-category="1" data-user="admin">
<i class="text-danger glyphicon glyphicon-remove-sign"></i>
My AJAX is:
$('.btnConfirmTCU').on('click', function (e) {
$(this).prop("disabled", true);
var inputData = $('#formDeleteTCU').serialize();
//var tournamentSlug = $(this).data('tournament');
var categoryId = $(this).data('category');
var userSlug = $(this).data('user');
type: 'PUT',
url: url + '/categories/' + categoryId + '/users/' + userSlug + '/confirm',
data: inputData,
success: function (data) {
error: function (data) {
My route is:
Route::put('tournaments/{tournamentId}/categories/{categoryTournamentId}/users/{userId}/confirm', 'TournamentUserController@confirmUser');
My Controller is:
public function confirmUser($tournamentSlug, $tcId, $userSlug)
$user = User::findBySlug($userSlug);
$ctu = CategoryTournamentUser::where('category_tournament_id', $tcId)
->where('user_id', $user->id)->first();
$ctu->confirmed ? $ctu->confirmed = 0 : $ctu->confirmed = 1;
return redirect("tournaments/$tournamentSlug/users");
I saw a lot of topics about it, but none resolved my issue.
As PUT is not allowed for most of browser, Laravel send it like POST, but includes a hidden field _method with PUT value.
Beside, I am able to perform DELETE actions, but not PUT...
Besides, method works perfect when not using AJAX.
Where is my problem???
Change your ajax type from 'PUT' to 'POST', Laravel will read your parameter '_method' and will take that 'POST' like a 'PUT'.
Your code should work fine, but it looks like you are serializing the wrong form. Your current code shows
var inputData = $('#formDeleteTCU').serialize();
, but the id for the form you've shown isconfirmTCU