I'm trying to do a dynamic dropdownlist : I get the options of the dropdownlist from a database and put them in an objects list. In accordance with a checkbox value i remove objects from the list and set this list as a ViewBag value.
public ActionResult ThematicManagement(string Id, string IsAdult, string flagAdult)
ViewBag.DDL = null;
var response = VodCatalogBUS.GetParentThematics();
List<oboThematic> list = new List<oboThematic>();
list = response.Data;
if (IsAdult == null || IsAdult == "false")
list.RemoveAll(x => x.IsAdult == true && x.Id != 1007);
list.RemoveAll(x => x.IsAdult == false && x.Id != 1007);
ViewBag.DDL = new SelectList(list, "Id", "Name");
Then in my view i fill the dropdownlist like that :
@Html.DropDownList("ParentThematic", (SelectList)ViewBag.DDL, new { @class="dropdown" })
<label><input type="checkbox" value="" id="ChkIsAdult" name="ChkIsAdult">Adulte</label>
There is no problems here, i obtain the dropdown list with 4 options after the RemoveAll in the controller. Then if i click the checkbox, i must obtain 3 other options.
So I use an ajax call to return into the controller in the aim to update Viewbag's value :
$('#ChkIsAdult').change(function () {
var IsAdult = $('#ChkIsAdult').is(':checked');
var url = dev + "/Legacy/ThematicManagement";
url: url,
cache: false,
type: 'POST',
data: {
IsAdult: IsAdult,
flagAdult : 'true',
success: function () {
It works i return into the controller, but i think that the view isn't refresh so i retreive the old values (the 4 options) of the dropdownlist after clicking the checkbox.
I also try with ViewData and TempData to replace ViewBag but i've always the same proprem !
According to you, it is the good solution ? Can it works ?
Here is the response :
View :
JS :