I have a blogger blog, but I'm a little lost with their API. I would like to know if it's possible to create a page which list all the posts of my blog.
I found some answers on the Internet, but most of them doesn't work anymore :(
Another question I have : it is possible to work with the db without using javascript? I may be wrong, but I think most of the widgets uses AJAX (it call some JSON to get all the info and displays them in JS).
Thanks !
Hi here i Find best solution
Make HTMl JAVA/SCript widget
and simple post the code, it works great
To list all blogposts, you don't need to access Blogger API. Using blog's feed and a snippet of Javascript can do that for you.
Working Example can be seen here: http://codepen.io/yaqoob/pen/GqJDy/
Here is the Javascript Code:
And Here's the Javascript Callback.
Replace blog's link your own.