Has anyone had any success running mongodb on the beaglebone black? do I have to install a different flavor of linux to get this to work or can I use angstrom.
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MongoDB (as at 2.4) does not officially support ARM processors. You can watch/upvote SERVER-1811 in the issue tracker, however I wouldn't expect this to get much traction until there are 64-bit server-class ARM processors commonly available.
In general a 32-bit low power ARM processor with limited memory (512Mb RAM on the BeagleBone Black) is not a great fit for a memory-mapped database server like MongoDB. Due to the use of memory-mapped files, 32-bit versions of MongoDB are also limited to about 2GB of data and indexes.
There are some extremely old versions of MongoDB that have been hacked to work on ARM to some extent (eg: MongoDB 2.1.1-pre), which is a very early development release of MongoDB 2.2. I wouldn't recommend this unless you're extremely desperate; likely you will spend far more time trying to get things working than writing productive code.
Better approaches would be to either: