I have a general question.
I am developing a new layer to incorporate into an autoencoder. To be more specific, the layer is something like the KCompetitive
class over here. What I want is that I need to save the output of this layer in a variable let's call it previous_mat_values
, and then pass it to that same layer in the next epoch as well.
To put it another way, I want to be able to save the output of this layer of epoch 1
in one variable, and then in epoch 2
, again use that same matrix.
So the question arises what would be the values of this matrix in the first epoch because it does not have the output of that layer yet. We can initialize an array with the same shape of the weight matrix but with values of 0
I will do like this.
previous_mat_values = tf.zeros_like(weight_tensor)
So the steps are like this:
In the first epoch,
will pass to the layer1.a at the end of the function of that layer, the final value of which we call it
will save into theprevious_mat_values
previous_mat_values = modified_weight_mat
In the second epoch,
will pass to the layer, however,previous_mat_values
has the values saved in the first epoch.
I don't have any problem passing weight_mat
and doing stuff related to that. The only issue here is that how we can save the values of previous_mat_values
in each epoch and pass it to the next epoch.
I was thinking to create a global tensor variable in the class of that layer
and initialize it with zero, but I don't think it will help to keep the values of the previous epoch into the second epoch.
Do you have any idea how can I implement this?
Please let me know if my explanations are not clear.
Update 1:
This is the implementation of the layer:
class KCompetitive(Layer):
'''Applies K-Competitive layer.
# Arguments
def __init__(self, topk, ctype, **kwargs):
self.topk = topk
self.ctype = ctype
self.uses_learning_phase = True
self.supports_masking = True
super(KCompetitive, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def call(self, x):
if self.ctype == 'ksparse':
return K.in_train_phase(self.kSparse(x, self.topk), x)
elif self.ctype == 'kcomp':
return K.in_train_phase(self.k_comp_tanh(x, self.topk), x)
warnings.warn("Unknown ctype, using no competition.")
return x
def get_config(self):
config = {'topk': self.topk, 'ctype': self.ctype}
base_config = super(KCompetitive, self).get_config()
return dict(list(base_config.items()) + list(config.items()))
def k_comp_tanh(self, x, topk, factor=6.26):
###Some modification on x so now the x becomes
x= x+1
res = x
return res
Update 2
For more clarification I will add this:
sample 1 of data:
x_prev = zero
mask = tf.greate(x, x_prev) # x here related to sample 1
x_modified = x[mask]
x_prev = x_modified
Sample 2 of data:
mask = tf.greater(x, x_prev) # x here related to sample 2 and
x_prev is from previous sample
x_modified = x[mask]
x_prev = x_modified
I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but you can have a variable in your layer that simply gets updated with the previous value of another variable on each training step, something along these lines:
Here is a usage example:
EDIT: I'm still not 100% sure how exactly you need this to work, but here is something that might work for you:
Here is an example of usage: