I'm trying to use this tool: http://software.stadtwerk.org/google_maps_colorizr/ to add colour to my google map, here is my example:
The colour works fine, but now I can't seem to add any markers to it, I've tried putting this example code in:
lat: -12.043333,
lng: -77.028333,
title: 'Lima',
infoWindow: {
content: '<p>HTML Content</p>'
But it doesn't seem to work, I'm not entirely sure where to put it or even if the references are correct.
The documentation says:
In your Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/xUUxn/854/
In order to create a marker you need to do the following:
Demo forked from your example: http://jsfiddle.net/lucuma/xUUxn/852/
To add an info window overlay:
I was able to use a loop, by this using 'this' as second parameters to to infoWindow.open()