I'm trying to parse a language by ANTLR (ANTLRWorks-3.5.2). The goal is to enter complete input but Antlr gives a parse tree of defined parts in grammar and ignore the rest of inputs, for example this is my grammar :
grammar asap;
project : '/begin PROJECT' name module+ '/end PROJECT';
module : '/begin MODULE'name '/end MODULE';
name : IDENT ;
IDENT : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9'|'_'|'.'|':'|'-')*;
Given input:
/begin PROJECT HybridSailboat_2
/begin MODULE engine
/begin A2ML
/include XCP_common_v1_0.aml
"XCP" struct {
taggedstruct Common_Parameters ;
/end A2ML
regarding to this input I just want the parse tree contains project and module and not A2ML part. Is it possible in antlr that it ignore some part of inputs? Can I specify start and end points of unimportant parts in grammar?
Simply match the
part as a single token in the lexer andskip()