I'm wondering if there is a JavaScript library, which overrides XMLHttpRequest
and allows to transparently handle all cross-domain requests and seamlessly forward them over my same-origin server-side proxy.
What I want is to have a common solution, which could be used together with any JavaScript library to make cross-domain requests (e.g. with cross-domain jQuery.ajax()
Are there any drawbacks to use such library (security problems, HTTPS access, etc.)?
If such library is already created by someone, than I just do not want to reinvent the wheel and handle all corner cases again.
I will not use JS for this kind of needs... Just make all your AJAX calls to a PHP file (or whatever) on your server that acts as a proxy.
It only needs to receive the url you want to call, POST or GET parameters and then make a cURL to the external server.
In return it will print the output of the cURL request.
If you just need to redirect every request to a specific proxy you could simply write it yourself, something in the lines of
Since the proxy is in the same domain (if you want to allow x-domain proxy requests, just add the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header), it will not be sent any cookie of the remote domain (you won't have them anyway, since x-domains cookies are blocked - as long as you don't enter the field with the header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials).
Some security implications are rather obvious:
A more complex (same domain, to fully support cookies) proxy implementation could even provide basic session handling for cross domain requests rewriting the headers:
The proxy makes a request to www.remotedomain.com/querystring which responds with the header
Set-Cookie: name=value; path=/; expires Mon, 31-Dec-2012 23:59:59 GMT
The client receive the response back with the header
Set-Cookie: name=value; path=/www.remotedomain.com; expires Mon, 31-Dec-2012 23:59:59 GMT
On the next request the client will send the cookie, and the proxy will just forward them to the remote service
But I'm probably digressing too much. :)