I want to setup a daily notification system for my app. It should notify the user twice a day, once at 8:00 AM (Hey there, your set of morning doses is ready. Wanna check it out?) and once at 7:00 PM (Ssup! Your evening Dose is waiting inside). I know that by doing this i'll run out of notifications in a month since there's a 64 notifications cap (for local notifications) but by then, the app will be live and i'll be done setting up remote notifications update.
I've looked at this question: How to schedule a same local notification in swift and the .Day is all good. I just need to know how to do it twice a day at those specified times;. Thanks in advance!
EDIT: how to set the specific time on the notification is part of the problem. The NSDate API is giving me funny time intervals (sinceNow/Since1973). I just want to set it to fire at 7 PM. :-/ Can't quite seem to do it with these NSDate apis unless I'm missing something.
Update for Swift 4.2
In AppDelegate confirm to
and indidFinishLaunchingWithOptions