my application sends data through protobuf from a server to a client. When I am deserializing the sent payload on the client side eclipse throws a expection of the follogwing type:
Exception in thread "main" Protocol message tag had invalid wire type.
The expection happens when I call "parseFrom()". I know that in most cases the error lies in a protobuf file with the wrong syntax. Therefore I hope that it is enough to post the protobuf definition here:
package protobuf;
option java_package = "com.carproject.abs.demo.protobuf";
option java_outer_classname = "DesktopDevice_getCarsResponse";
message CARS {
required int64 carid = 1;
required string carname = 2;
message Carinformation {
required string street = 1;
required string postalcode = 2;
required string city = 3;
required string country = 4;
required string cartimezoneid = 5;
message Right {
optional string name = 1;
optional int32 type = 2;
optional int32 service = 3;
message PropertyType {
optional string name = 1;
optional string value = 2;
repeated Carinformation carinformation = 3;
repeated Right carrights = 4;
repeated PropertyType carproperties = 5;
repeated string inoid = 6;
here is the code which shows how the data is written on the server side:
// carObj returns the necessary Strings
CAR carObj = car.getCAR();
Builder newBuilder = DesktopDevice_getCarResponse.CAR.newBuilder();
newBuilder.setCarid( carObj.getCARID() );
newBuilder.setCarname( carObj.getCARNAME());
// hardcoded values here
newBuilder.getCarinformationBuilder(1).setStreet( carObj.getCARNFORMATION().getSTREET() );
newBuilder.getCarinformationBuilder(1).setPostalcode( carObj.getCARINFORMATION().getPOSTALCODE() );
newBuilder.getCarinformationBuilder(1).setCity( carObj.getCARINFORMATION().getCITY() );
newBuilder.getCarinformationBuilder(1).setCountry( fleetObj.getCARINFORMATION().getCOUNTRY() );
newBuilder.getCarinformationBuilder(1).setCartimezoneid( fleetObj.getCARINFORMATION().getCARTIMEZONEID() );
byte[] responsePayload =;
RestServerResponseMessage responseMsg = new RestServerResponseMessage( requestMsg.getRequestId(), responsePayload, "XML");
return responseMsg;
As you can see, the Server uses the Builder pattern provided by protobuf to set the necessary strings. Then the data is serialized as a byte[] and is sent back to the client via protobuf.
Here is the client code where I try to parse the data.
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
if (entity != null) {
InputStream instream = entity.getContent();
CAR car = DesktopDevice_getCarsResponse.CARS.parseFrom(instream);
The exception is thrown when .parseFrom is called. Server code and carObj are working fine. I already sucessfully sending protobuf data in my program.
on server. And useBase64.getDecoder.decode(receivedArray[Bytes])
. Data sent on wire should always be encoded and decoded