I have a pretty straight-forward question. I made a web game with NodeJS, and I can successfully play it by myself with multiple browser windows open side-by-side; however, I'd like to know if it's possible for other local machines to be able to access and play the game with me too.
I naively tried using this url: my-ip-address:8000
and it won't work.
And Don't Forget To Change in Index.html Following Code :
Good luck!
your node.js server is running on a port determined at the end of the script usually. Sometimes 3000. but can be anything. The correct way for others to access is as you say...
http://your.network.ip.address:port/ e.g.
check you have the correct port - and the ip address on the network - not internet ip.
Otherwise, maybe the ports are being blocked by your router. Try using 8080 or 80 to get around this - otherwise re-configure your router.
I had this problem. The solution was to allow node.js through the server's firewall.
The port is probably blocked by your local firewall or router. Hard to tell without details.
But there is a simple solution for which you don't have to mess with firewall rules, run node as a privileded process to serve on port 80, etc...
Check out Localtunnel. Its a great Ruby script/service, which allows you to make any local port available on the internet within seconds. It's certainly not useful for a production setup, but to try out a game with colleagues, it should work just fine!