I want to calculate the height of the page ,and in my test.less
when I use the @clientHeight
,as jquery return just a number,I need to plus the unit like px
So,I tried these ways:
div{height: @clientHeight+px;
It came out :
height: 705 px;
(Note that there's a space between them)
It came out :
height: "705px";
I know it's been quite a long time, but if you or anyone else happens to be looking for an answer still, this worked for me:
From the LESS function reference:
I just found a trick tough it's not so elegant
Try this to trim off whitespace from the returned height value:
(or dissect this if it won't be processed this way, sorry not using less.js, can't test it).
..or use plain
str.replace(' ', '');