I want my macro to run automatically when Sheet1 is open AND a value is changed in any of the drop down menus in Column B. I assume I can write a couple of event listener wrappers such as:
' pseudocode
While Sheet1 is open
When a dropdown value is changed in column B
Call Update
End When
End While
I've found a few links online, but I don't quite understand. In these links, they have code referring to Target. Is Target a named range? I haven't had any luck implementing these. I'm thinking these links could have an answer to my problem.
You can use a worksheet event macro:
Because it is worksheet code, it is very easy to install and automatic to use:
If you have any concerns, first try it on a trial worksheet.
If you save the workbook, the macro will be saved with it. If you are using a version of Excel later then 2003, you must save the file as .xlsm rather than .xlsx
To remove the macro:
To learn more about macros in general, see:
To learn more about Event Macros (worksheet code), see:
Macros must be enabled for this to work!
What you are going to need is a Worksheet_Changed event similar to this:
This will trigger if any changes are made in column B. The Target is supplied by the application event and is the range that had the change made.
Edit: You will need to put this in the code of the sheet, not a module. If you right click on the sheet tab at the bottom of the excel screen, one of the options is view code.