In order to allow only a single instance of an application running I'm using mutex. The code is given below. Is this the right way to do it? Are there any flaws in the code?
How to show the already running application when user tries to open the application the second time. At present (in the code below), I'm just displaying a message that another instance is already running.
static void Main(string[] args)
Mutex _mut = null;
_mut = Mutex.OpenExisting(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName);
//handler to be written
if (_mut == null)
_mut = new Mutex(false, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName);
MessageBox.Show("Instance already running");
Also this. Is using a Mutex to prevent multiple instances of the same program from running safe?
Source :
Check out the code sample shown on this page
In short, you use the overload Mutex
ctor(bool, string, out bool)
which tells you via an out parameter, whether you got ownership of the Named Mutex. If you're the first instance, this out param would contain true after the ctor is called - in which case you proceed as usual. If this param is false, it means another instance has already got ownership/is running, in which case you show an error message "Another instance is already running." and then exit gracefully.I use this:
Use app with timeout and security settings. I used my custom class:
and use it:
I did it this way once, I hope it helps: